Thursday, November 25, 2004

Many blessings

Well darling, today is Thanksgiving. I'm exhausted and trying to be contemplative instead of just plain silly. Or boring. That happens too. Anyway, I wanna talk about the blessings that God has put in my life. Well, some of them anyway. I couldn't nearly list all of them. God's given me everything, ya know? My very breath. Andy (the stage manager for ZP) asked if he could have my life a couple times. Haha, not like I have anything to do with it. The only thing any of us deserve is death and total separation from God, but He offers us life and eternity in His presence. On top of that, He offers fulfillment if we'll just listen to Him. It's crazy! It's crazy to think that I only exist because He wants me to and that I only exist because He wants me to. He wants me to exist and that's my whole purpose. Well, maybe not whole... original would be a better word. He's blessed me in so many ways. I'm glad that I don't deserve it because that means that nothing I do will change it. It's not merit based at all, so I can't lose it by being stupid. Man, I'm so dumb sometimes. Such a hard-headed idjit. But He still loves me. Amazing. Ooooh, I'm also happy cuz I got to ride in two amazing cars this week. That's not as noble a reason to be happy, but I'm not a noble. I rode in Shades' dad's gorgeous '01 Mustang on the way back to his house on Tuesday and I got to drive an '00 Eclipse today! Mindy's boyfriend's car. Too much fun! Would have been even better if it was a '99, but it was still gorgeous. I'll have to tell you about this summer and dad and the Audi TT sometime. ::grins:: Mk. Congrats to the Dons. I knew you'd do it. Van was watching, how could you lose? K, LE, 25, G, Mr. George! He'll prolly never read this, but that's ok. He's amazing, I love him so dearly. The man was my Sunday school teacher when I was like five and he's wonderful. He does work at Church as a janitor now and he's the coolest janitor in the world. Everyone loves him and he's not nearly appreciated enough. He's so wise in so many different fields, and goodness knows he loves to talk. ::grins:: That's prolly one of my fave parts about him. He loves people and he knows people. K, love, I gotta run. Stay in God's presence. That's where you'll find fulfillment. Know that I love you.
Psalm 100:4
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name."

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey kiddies, ok, so, yah. ::grins:: My parents haven't given the "official" yes yet, but that's pretty much a formality. What am I talking about you may ask? ::grins:: Oh, I dunno if I should tell you yet. Maybe I should wait until it's official. It might be several weeks though. Mmm, oh, decisions, decisions. Ooo, I don't wanna keep it a secret. Well, I'll wait a lil longer. ::grins:: I hope y'all have an amazing Thanksgiving holiday! The kinfolk are already beginning to invade my home. It's gonna be absolutely insane tomorrow! So many people. Haha, there's gonna be mad crazy amounts of food. Good luck to the Dons at Turkey Bowl tomorrow! Sorry, CHC friends, Loyola comes first in my heart. ::grins:: Someone's in a good mood tonight. Tralala. Can't imagine who that would be. ::tries to whistle:: Cha. Can't whistle, can't hula hoop, can't do all sorts of things. Sometimes it's good to look at everything I can't do. Well, that's obviously not everything. Whew, wouldn't that be nice! Not really, actually. Man, I'm weird. Hmmm, I just found out that I made Dean's list last semester. Why am I never told these things? Haha, I missed the induction ceremony thing for Phi Theta Kappa. What would you have done? Boring ceremony... go to Homecoming with an absolutely amazing guy... hmmm, yah, the choice was so hard (production note: the phrase "hmmm...hard" is intended to be read laced with sarcasm, of course, if actor is capable of capturing the desired emotion without sarcasm, more power to them). Did I tell you about PTK? No, I'm not joining some weirdo sorority. Haha, hoo, that'd be funny. I think it's some sort of specialty thing for two-year colleges. You've gotta have more than twelve credits and maintain at least a 3.5 GPA. There are good benefits. A lot of colleges waive the application fee and I think SU gives like a $200 scholarship to members. I need to check about CMU and IC. ::shrugs:: I get a cute, little membership card to keep in my purse and an important looking diploma/certificate thingy. Haha, I'm so jaded. Went to Loyola's talent show last night. Shades was hysterical as the MC. Haha, who knew you could synthesize "I'm a Little Teapot" and "We Will Rock You". Only Shades. ::grins:: Tim won first place. Davon second. Tim rocked out on the piano. I talked to him while the judges were deciding and he made a comment about how badly he had done. ::shakes head:: I set him straight, don't worry. He didn't even tell his 'rents about the show! He went home, and they asked where he'd been. Stupid boy. Davon did an amazing monologue. Something from "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom". I didn't know it. Very moving. The boy is talented. It was kinda scary, actually. He pulled a gun (not a real gun, silly) on the audience which is always an attention getter. Not one I'd recommend, but it did the trick. Watched "A Mighty Wind" with Shades after the talent show. It was good. I liked it better than "Waiting for Guffman", but WfG was funnier. Oh, goodness. I'm sorry. I've rambled too much. LE: 13: S: Shua! My big brother! I love that boy and miss him like a mongoose. I'm so proud of him though. So smart, so wonderful. I practically broke him the last time he came home from W&M. I might have kind of jumped on him. I was excited to see him! Haha, amazing boy. God has great things in store for him. K, dahhhling, I'm out.
Philippians 1:27a
"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Homecoming + one very special boy = one very happy Tiki

To be continued...

Colossians 3:16
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Five Love Languages

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling, oh, my darling, Clementine... La da da da... Haha, I'm such a weirdo. I officially have the best family in the world. Both of my parents left me little love notes on Monday morning in their own little ways. K, have ya'll (there I go again)... y'all heard of the five love languages? The basic principle is that everyone has certain ways of giving affection and view certain acts as more meaningful than others. Yll, that wasn't a wonderful explanation, sorry. The five are something like: gifts, acts of service, time, physical displays of affection, and words of encouragement. Something like that. Please keep in mind that I haven't read the book. Anywho, mom is very much an acts of service person and dad more falls into the gifts/words of encouragement category. Thus, my mom's way of showing that she loved me was taking my cd's that I'd gotten out for a party we had at the house and putting them back in my case in the order that I keep them in and my dad's way was writing me a letter and leaving it next to my bed for me to find when I woke up. I tend to be most like my dad, but because I know what my mom MEANS by what she does, it means a lot to me. And last night I had an awesome conversation with my little brother. He's amazing. Most of the time. Well, no, he's amazing all of the time, but he's human (like my parents) and thus we all get on each other's nerves on occasion and I forget how amazing all of them are at times. Mk, back to life. Got my hair trimmed today. Nothing spectacular, just the normal cut. Had to be an Irish interrogator in Acting today. Watched some of Sunday in the Park with George and Sweeney Todd in the class before that. Mmm, that's about the extent of my excitement today. I've prolly been too lazy today. Oh well. My voice lesson went well yesterday. I can hear my voice improving each week which is fun. I think there's supposed to be a comma after "week". Ah well, you decide. Like one of those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. ::grins:: I'm very strange. K, LE, thirty-two, N (I think), Nicole! My girlie. My Ireland-traveling partner. The girl who knows me better than most other earthlings. Haha! We've spent a lot of time together, hey? Poor thing has seen my try to hurt myself/try to dance so many times that she probably wakes up with nightmares. She has the voice of an angel along with the face (she's prolly the original Muse). I love her dearly! I love y'all too!
1 Samuel 16:7b
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Royal Servants!

Hey kiddies, a lil disappointed right now, but I'm good emotionally. I'm ensemble in Les Mis, but Hayley's gonna rock the house as Cosette! I can't wait to see her do it, she'll be absolutely stunning! Mr Garretson called and left a message on the answering machine. I went upstairs and Mom came and checked on me and I was fine, then Dad came and checked on me and helped me talk things out. I cried a little, but as he said, "Sorrow that hath no vent in tears, makes other organs weep." I answered, "Thus saith the doctor." ::grins:: I love my daddy. He was tender when he needed to be and intellectual when he needed to be and eventually humorous when he needed to be. Haha, Dad: "So Shackleton took ponies on the trip with him, but they broke through the ice because of the concentrated pressure." Me: "::grins:: He should have taken Clydesdales." Dad: "Or horses on skis." ::shakes head:: You'd have to be there. Anywho, all in all, I'm good, and I can't wait til the first rehearsal on Wednesday! The music is gorgeous and it'll be fun. Now, I'm gonna tell you all about the retreat I just got home from. It was a good time. God talked some stuff through with me and just helped me revitalize. K, the coolest part of the weekend? I think God showed me what He wants me to do this summer. I thought I was gonna do summer stock theatre stuff this summer, but I think I'm gonna do this summer missions thing called Royal Servants. It's a trip where you do street shows that share the gospel through dance/drama/song/etc. There's this one trip that starts either in London or in Scotland and then travels around Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc). There are two weeks of training at the beginning in Minneapolis or something, but wouldn't that be absolutely amazing? To get to travel around Europe this summer sharing GOD through my favorite device? Man! My parents are cool with the idea, so I just have to check the dates and send for an application/raise the money. Needless to say, it's a lot of money, but if God wants me there, that's where He'll put me. Anywho, I'm resting in God's arms right now. I love knowing that He's smarter than I am. ::grins:: He's perfect, ya know? Love ya dear! Oooh, almost forgot. LE: twelve: L: Lindsay Rhae... She's unbelievably talented! One of the sweetest girls in the world. I love talking to her. She's so incredibly REAL. There's nothing fake about her. I hope God has amazing things in store for her, and I'm so glad I got to meet her!
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Forgetful ::grins::

Aaaack! I forgot the LE AGAIN!!! Stupid! Stupid! ;-) K, fifteen... H... Urrrr... Hurricane... Hurrrl... Ben Hurrrr... Howard, Henry, Hannah, Hepsibuh, Hattie, Harold, Henrik... Hayley! Aha! Pretty-in-pink, Hayley! Hayley is a sweetheart. She's absolutely gorgeous. She's a talented little sprite, she is. Not to mention that she rocked the house as Lucy in Dracula. ::winks:: Haha, she's one of my matchmakers. She's sharp as a tack and she's blonde, so that stereotype is out the window. I love her dearly and pray many blessings for her future! Love y'all!
Matthew 5:16
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven."

Time for Him

Hey kiddies! Make sure to set time aside for God. If only for the selfish reason that life doesn't go so hot when you don't. I'm struggling to keep Him at the top of my shelf. It's so easy to bump Him down a couple levels, but I start going insane and trying to explode when I do. Don't trust me, trust Him. ;-) Anywho, I got called back for Cosette at Loyola. The call back was today and it felt really good, so we'll see what happens. Normally I don't feel great about auditions, but this one wasn't half-bad. There's a B flat at the end of the song (the B flat just below high C) that I'd rehearsed over and over and it was strong, so I'm happy. I wasn't worried about the rest of the song and I knew that I could hit that note, so it was pretty chill. Well, it was during the audition. I was a mess before and after. Haha. Before was tension and after was relief, but both result in trembling... or shaking. ::grins:: I went to see Masque's performance of "Shakespeare's Dead" last night. It was really very funny in parts. They have some great actors. Lilly, Nick, Will, Adrienne, and Mohammed were amazing as usual. I was blown away by Lilly though! She totally stole the show, it was insane. I really just wanted to let y'all know about the call back. God's way smarter than I am, though, so we'll see what He has in mind. I dunno why I think that I can run my world better than He can. Maybe cuz I'm crazy. ;-) Love ya too much!
Matthew 22:37-39
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

Monday, November 08, 2004


Hey kiddies. Had a voice lesson with Ms. Adriana this morning. It went really well. She was really encouraging, so I felt good. Then I had an audition over at Loyola for Les Mis. ::bites nails:: I've got a while to wait before I find out anything. Urrr. K, I'm gonna stop now, just say a prayer for me if you get the chance. I'm more nervous now than I was before the audition. I love Les Mis. I wanna get in so bad. So bad that I'm using bad English. Cha. K. LE - 22 - S - Shades! My therapist/educator/advisor/editing client. Haha. Many good times have I had with that boy. Most of the time is spent laughing, but he's helped me through some rough spots. Well, they were stupid spots more than rough spots. I'm a such a girl. ::shrugs:: He's a faithful friend and I hope that God will reward him for being such a blessing to so many people. Can't wait for the next movie installation. He rocked the house in Dracula. I'm not at all surprised (he pulls off the crazy, comic roles very well ::winks::). He's bright as a new penny too. Too much fun. Anywho, I'm gonna run now...
James 4:10
"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up."

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Catching Up

Hey kids! K, I've got a lot to catch up on. We closed Zombie Prom. Very sad, but a good thing at the same time. The adjudicator from the Kennedy Center came Saturday night and judged our show. It rocked, cuz that was our best performance on the whole (all three of my boys, meaning Matt, Jon, and Phil, came and they brought Hannah too, I was so happy). He loved the show and is highly recommending us to go to regionals. They pick three (well, at max, three) cast members to be nominated for a contest. It's the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship. The nominees from Zombie Prom are Lauren (who played Ms. Strict), Alex (who played Jonny), and me. I played Toffee. ::winks:: Very exciting. We'll be going to Allentown, PA in January for the first round of eliminations. Stinks a lil, cuz they would pick the week I was gonna be in the Carribean. Ah well. ::grins:: This is definitely worth it. Sunday we had a Fall Festival at the house. It was so much fun. And then Monday we struck the set and the cast came over afterwards to help eat up the leftover chili and hot dogs. The boys were stupid and decided to jump THROUGH the fireworks. Haha, Alex jumped through and definitely flew into Andy. Too funny. Poor kids. Mmm, went to Dracula last night over at Loyola. Good times! They did a great job! I definitely jumped more than once. I'm such a wuss. ::grins:: This morning Kate taught class. She gave hard steps and I'm so freaking out of shape, but it was good for me. I'm pretty dead now. Had rehearsal at Church this afternoon. Now I'm gonna go do homework so that I can watch Jersey Girl and then see Into the Woods over at St. Paul's. Well, hopefully I can watch Jersey Girl. It goes back to Blockbuster tomorrow I think. Dad might monopolize the tv. What else? Mmm, ooo, I'm gonna go to Shades' homecoming. I can't wait! Now I have a chance to wear that dress I bought a while ago. Hooo rah! (Haha, Nikki-Colated, remember that? Silly people at Fiddler. ::grins::) Mk, gonna run right after the LE (Live Eulogy, come on, you should be catching on to this by now!). K... random number... I feel like a six today... D... Davey! My baby bro. Most of the time, he rocks my world. ;-) Sometimes he annoys the tar out of me, but that's ok cuz he puts up with me 24/7 so it's his right. He's so talented and smart as a tack. Ylll, I definitely mixed two sayings there. I've had some really fun convos w/ him and some really serious ones. He knows me well enough that when I'm serious, he respects me. I love him to death and I always will. He's one of the reasons that I still don't have a boyfriend. I know that if there are guys like my little brother around, I can wait for them. Some chick is gonna get a gem. Until it's the right chick, I'll be beating them off. ::winks:: K, love y'all too much... (::grins:: Brian pointed out to me that I've been misspelling y'all. I'll have to fix that.)
Colossians 3:17
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."