Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Five Love Languages

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling, oh, my darling, Clementine... La da da da... Haha, I'm such a weirdo. I officially have the best family in the world. Both of my parents left me little love notes on Monday morning in their own little ways. K, have ya'll (there I go again)... y'all heard of the five love languages? The basic principle is that everyone has certain ways of giving affection and view certain acts as more meaningful than others. Yll, that wasn't a wonderful explanation, sorry. The five are something like: gifts, acts of service, time, physical displays of affection, and words of encouragement. Something like that. Please keep in mind that I haven't read the book. Anywho, mom is very much an acts of service person and dad more falls into the gifts/words of encouragement category. Thus, my mom's way of showing that she loved me was taking my cd's that I'd gotten out for a party we had at the house and putting them back in my case in the order that I keep them in and my dad's way was writing me a letter and leaving it next to my bed for me to find when I woke up. I tend to be most like my dad, but because I know what my mom MEANS by what she does, it means a lot to me. And last night I had an awesome conversation with my little brother. He's amazing. Most of the time. Well, no, he's amazing all of the time, but he's human (like my parents) and thus we all get on each other's nerves on occasion and I forget how amazing all of them are at times. Mk, back to life. Got my hair trimmed today. Nothing spectacular, just the normal cut. Had to be an Irish interrogator in Acting today. Watched some of Sunday in the Park with George and Sweeney Todd in the class before that. Mmm, that's about the extent of my excitement today. I've prolly been too lazy today. Oh well. My voice lesson went well yesterday. I can hear my voice improving each week which is fun. I think there's supposed to be a comma after "week". Ah well, you decide. Like one of those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. ::grins:: I'm very strange. K, LE, thirty-two, N (I think), Nicole! My girlie. My Ireland-traveling partner. The girl who knows me better than most other earthlings. Haha! We've spent a lot of time together, hey? Poor thing has seen my try to hurt myself/try to dance so many times that she probably wakes up with nightmares. She has the voice of an angel along with the face (she's prolly the original Muse). I love her dearly! I love y'all too!
1 Samuel 16:7b
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."


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