Saturday, November 06, 2004

Catching Up

Hey kids! K, I've got a lot to catch up on. We closed Zombie Prom. Very sad, but a good thing at the same time. The adjudicator from the Kennedy Center came Saturday night and judged our show. It rocked, cuz that was our best performance on the whole (all three of my boys, meaning Matt, Jon, and Phil, came and they brought Hannah too, I was so happy). He loved the show and is highly recommending us to go to regionals. They pick three (well, at max, three) cast members to be nominated for a contest. It's the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship. The nominees from Zombie Prom are Lauren (who played Ms. Strict), Alex (who played Jonny), and me. I played Toffee. ::winks:: Very exciting. We'll be going to Allentown, PA in January for the first round of eliminations. Stinks a lil, cuz they would pick the week I was gonna be in the Carribean. Ah well. ::grins:: This is definitely worth it. Sunday we had a Fall Festival at the house. It was so much fun. And then Monday we struck the set and the cast came over afterwards to help eat up the leftover chili and hot dogs. The boys were stupid and decided to jump THROUGH the fireworks. Haha, Alex jumped through and definitely flew into Andy. Too funny. Poor kids. Mmm, went to Dracula last night over at Loyola. Good times! They did a great job! I definitely jumped more than once. I'm such a wuss. ::grins:: This morning Kate taught class. She gave hard steps and I'm so freaking out of shape, but it was good for me. I'm pretty dead now. Had rehearsal at Church this afternoon. Now I'm gonna go do homework so that I can watch Jersey Girl and then see Into the Woods over at St. Paul's. Well, hopefully I can watch Jersey Girl. It goes back to Blockbuster tomorrow I think. Dad might monopolize the tv. What else? Mmm, ooo, I'm gonna go to Shades' homecoming. I can't wait! Now I have a chance to wear that dress I bought a while ago. Hooo rah! (Haha, Nikki-Colated, remember that? Silly people at Fiddler. ::grins::) Mk, gonna run right after the LE (Live Eulogy, come on, you should be catching on to this by now!). K... random number... I feel like a six today... D... Davey! My baby bro. Most of the time, he rocks my world. ;-) Sometimes he annoys the tar out of me, but that's ok cuz he puts up with me 24/7 so it's his right. He's so talented and smart as a tack. Ylll, I definitely mixed two sayings there. I've had some really fun convos w/ him and some really serious ones. He knows me well enough that when I'm serious, he respects me. I love him to death and I always will. He's one of the reasons that I still don't have a boyfriend. I know that if there are guys like my little brother around, I can wait for them. Some chick is gonna get a gem. Until it's the right chick, I'll be beating them off. ::winks:: K, love y'all too much... (::grins:: Brian pointed out to me that I've been misspelling y'all. I'll have to fix that.)
Colossians 3:17
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."


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