A good ramble
Hey kiddos, one of my friends in the cast reminds me of Shua and it makes me really happy but sad at the same time. (Shua, I miss you way too much.) I drove by myself this morning for the first time since getting my license. Very exciting. Except that it was at five in the morning. My show was at ten and it takes a hideously long period of time to do hair and makeup, so I had to be at a cast member's house by six this morning (call was at seven). I wanted to give myself plenty of time so I left at 5:15, which of course meant that I had to get up at four (cuz I didn't want to be racing around the house). The drive was generally pretty uneventful. Halfway there I realized that I could sing as loud as I wanted to cuz no one could hear me. That was a very happy realization. And then I got to the light and my car didn't trip the signal to tell the traffic director light box thingy that someone needed to turn left, so after waiting for three cycles to get a green light in my lane, I switched lanes, went straight, turned around in a Walmart parking lot and turned right into the road. Stupid technology. Well, not really. It was just frustrating. But yah, uneventful. My show ended on schedule today and I'm now waiting for my Philosophy class to start. It's not til 2:10 and it's 1:30 now. Blah. I'm still in black and white makeup from the show. 'Cept for my face of course. I'm so slappy. Haha, funny story, so I'm eating lunch w/ some of the cast and I said something about... hmmm... it's actually not that funny. You'd have to have been there. I just read over the last couple of sentences and realized I wrote slappy instead of slap happy. I need sleep. I was out by like 9:30 last night, but that doesn't change the fact that I've been up for nine hours and it's ONLY ONE THIRTY. Tee hee, boo haha. Oh my. Maybe I'll stop now. I haven't posted a good ramble for a while though, so I'm entitled to it. I have my rights, galldurnit. Wow, that looks really strange when it's spelled phonetically. Yay! Jon comes home tonight! ::head bob:: A gazillion people are coming to the show in the next couple of days. I'm very happy. And the Kennedy People are coming on Saturday night. ::chews nails:: No, it really won't affect the performance at all. I hope. I don't think it'll affect mine, I can't vouch for everyone though. ::shrugs:: What happens is what happens. My eyes hurt. Hoo boy, I'm running on pure adrenaline and it keeps fizzling. I'll be like "Waaaa!!!!" and then "urrr". Waaaaurrr. I'm at an urrr point right now. Ugh, I think my voice cracked in my last solo. Cha, oh well. That's what I get for trying to do a show at such a horrific hour (because ten is so early, cha). Mk, I don't have any more energy. I'll see ya'll sometime. Much love!
1 Thessalonians 5:17
"Pray contiuously."
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