Time for Him
Hey kiddies! Make sure to set time aside for God. If only for the selfish reason that life doesn't go so hot when you don't. I'm struggling to keep Him at the top of my shelf. It's so easy to bump Him down a couple levels, but I start going insane and trying to explode when I do. Don't trust me, trust Him. ;-) Anywho, I got called back for Cosette at Loyola. The call back was today and it felt really good, so we'll see what happens. Normally I don't feel great about auditions, but this one wasn't half-bad. There's a B flat at the end of the song (the B flat just below high C) that I'd rehearsed over and over and it was strong, so I'm happy. I wasn't worried about the rest of the song and I knew that I could hit that note, so it was pretty chill. Well, it was during the audition. I was a mess before and after. Haha. Before was tension and after was relief, but both result in trembling... or shaking. ::grins:: I went to see Masque's performance of "Shakespeare's Dead" last night. It was really very funny in parts. They have some great actors. Lilly, Nick, Will, Adrienne, and Mohammed were amazing as usual. I was blown away by Lilly though! She totally stole the show, it was insane. I really just wanted to let y'all know about the call back. God's way smarter than I am, though, so we'll see what He has in mind. I dunno why I think that I can run my world better than He can. Maybe cuz I'm crazy. ;-) Love ya too much!
Matthew 22:37-39
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
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