Friday, December 30, 2005


Shua: I'm home for fall break.
Me: ::dances around room!
Me: You see, even my colons are thrown off by your being home.
Shua: O_o

Palmer: That looks Asian.
Me: No, it's from Thailand.
Shades: Because Thailand's not in Asia.

Carolina: tamra you are really pretty you look pretty at 3 in the morning covered in pancake syrup
Carolina: go in a toga

Warren: ::prods:: Wait, I lost your spine.

Dad talking to Uncle Les:
"Ya know, Tamra's fun to talk to."

Talking to Shades:
Me: Sure, cuz we all know you walk around with a comb in your back pocket.
::out whips the comb::

Warren: Hold on. I have to go spot my mother while she's lifting weights.

Shua: its all the dead brown grass and naked trees that get to me... Shua: hehe naked trees *snickers at self*

Me: Kitty has a lime on his head.
Johnny: He does indeed.
Johnny: Brace yourself... he's a "felime"

DailyInfatuation's Away Message:
phone with my lesbian life partner krohe

Alex: You're a freak.
Me: Is this anything new?
Alex: No, not really.
Me: Ok, then you need to get over it.
Alex: I plan on getting under it, actually.
Delz: Whoever Alex is, I don't like him.
Me: Alex is my lesbian lover. She's a girl.
Delz: Oh, I knew that... You have to tell ppl this b4 they go thinking your a slutty McSlut slut.


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