Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Oooooooooooo yah! I forgot! I also accepted the position w/ Royal Servants, so I'll be leaving June 17th instead of the 24th. Mwah, love you darling!


Crazy fun:

Warning: Some people find this slightly offensive. I personally think it's hilarious and not offensive at all, but that's just me. Mwah, love ya kid!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Lil scared

Hey kidz, I'm putting out a prayer request here. My leader from Royal Servants (the summer thing I'm doing) just called and asked me to consider being a summer staff person there. That would mean I'd leave a week earlier than I'd planned and that I'd be leading a small group of girls throughout the summer. I'm about the oldest student on the team and a lady from my Church recommended me when the staff person they had had to drop out. I don't know whether I'm going to accept or not. Here's my thoughts:

I'm scared of leading
God's been stretching me on this point for years - maybe this is the next step.

There are extra fees
God can do anything and I'll send out another letter to my sponsors.

I have to leave a week early
It's less time with people here, but I don't have anything planned that week anyway.

Did I mention I'm scared of leading?
God is with me and He won't stretch me beyond what I can do.

Please pray that God will show me what He wants me to do. I have to get back to Jayson (my leader) with a decision tomorrow or the day after. I need to get in touch with the travel agent as soon as I make a decision and let Jayson know. Kidz, if any of you can help with the funding... It would rock my socks off. Most of you know how to get in touch with me. If you don't, leave a note in the chatter box or the comment thingy. Love you guys so much.

Philipians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Monday, May 23, 2005

Fun wknd!

Awesome quotes of the weekend:

"Getting dumped = purgatory." ~ Consensus between Johnny and moi

"Tamra, people who are around you want to be better people. You're like some awesome disease." ~ Anna

"Enrico Fermi is the bomb!" ~ Tiki (I'm so corny, I kill myself.)

"Beauty, my love, is not in the eye of the beholder, but in the heart of the beheld." ~ Johnny

"You'll get to see me as a chipmunk!" ~ Shua referring to what he's going to look like after wisdom removal

"Ya know, we argue less when mom and dad aren't around." "Yeah, all parents should be sent to another planet." ~ Davey and me

Awesome events of the weekend:

Seeing Carolina and Emily on Saturday.

Seeing a pic of Petru in Carolina's clothes.

Riding in Greg's totally hott '67 Mustang. ::dies::

Taking a pic of Greg putting his head in a pelican's mouth.

Meeting Jon's new amazing girlfriend!

Seeing Phil and Hennah's awesome haircuts.

Hearing Phil's awesome "mess-imony" at Shock Wave.

Almost losing it while hanging out w/ my Shock Wave kidz for almost the last time.

But getting an email from you would just top off my awesome weekend, kiddo. ::winks:: Mwah, all my love!!!

John 10:10 (I think)
"For Jesus did not come to take away life, but to give it abundantly."
The Tamra's Memory Paraphrases version.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Time w/ my Tboyz

Hey kidz... finally finished out those pics. Dunno what happened to my pic w/ Emily A-L. It is no more, so she has been erased from my party apparently. Check all three albums over at webshots cuz there's new stuff in all of them. Right, so ::yawns:: got my final for D&B tomorrow. Boooo. It needs to be over now. I've been studying all night. Fortunately, this afternoon I got to go out with two of my Tboyz. Jon and Phil rock my world. Jon needed sneakers, so we trekked over to Holabird. I got a pair of semi-attractive Tevas for hiking this summer. Came back and Phil was ticked that he'd missed out, so we all went out to Barnes and Nobles and Best Buy. I needed a gift for Da's bday (tomorrow), so they helped me. Phil and Davey both had gift certificates for Best Buy, so they had fun there. Jon and I browsed w/ them. Good times. So yah, check the pics. Support's trickling in for this summer. Gotta keep trusting God. I really need to get past tomorrow. Lisa called tonight and talked to me about Royal Servants stuff. She's cool. I'm tired. Yah, k, gonna go zzzz. P.S. Damien Rice is really cool. Madonna and Jon have converted me.
Philippians 1:3
"I thank my God every time I remember you."

New pics!

Hiya kiddies! Check the link to my webshots album in the side bar... There are two new pics in my "Life in General" album, and there's a new album called "Tamra the Cat". I was looking at some of my baby pics and all of my suspicions were confirmed. Haven't gotten around to putting the final pics in of my bday party. Thanks for waiting so patiently. Drat! Haven't put in the pics of Madonna and my girls' night out either. Gah. Oh well. I'm doing so much better kids. Thanks for your prayers, I've felt them. Lisa told me that this month was gonna be real hard cuz that stupid Devil doesn't want me to be able to focus on my Royal Servants trip. Man was she right. I finally am giving it all back to God though. He's so much better at management than I am. Went to CpR this morning. Studied for my final then went to The Bead over at Kenilworth w/ Alex. Bought a pair of earrings that I love and an air freshener for my car. Haha, it smells like roses now - I love it! CpR visited Shock Wave tonight for our baptism. It was great. Such a celebration. One of the boys in Davey's d-team is severely handicapped and he was baptised. I almost cried. It had to be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. This one little girl at ballet is about nine or so years old. Her older sister is a professional dancer and this little girl is in a wheel chair. Her teacher choreographed a dance around her and she was absolutely so expressive with her hands and face. It was beautiful. Performed to the song God of Wonders. He really knows what He's doing, even when it doesn't feel like it. But I digress... Final on Tuesday and then I'm done w/ school. Going to OC next weekend. My Uppa's dying, kiddies. And they don't really know what it is or what to do. Cancer of some sort. I think I said in the last post that they sold the beach house. I'm gonna try to visit Greg while I'm down there. I really want to come back in time for Shock Wave cuz it's senior night, but I also want to stay down for this one last time. Gah, why does it have to be sr night? Any other night and it wouldn't matter if I had to miss. But I've been looking forward to this night ever since my freshman year of Shock Wave when I saw the sr's getting to put the program together. It's already a lil disappointing, cuz my "class" doesn't seem to care a whole lot about it, but I'd still like to be there. I want to help. Urm. So frustrating. Tested out of Music Fundamentals, so I'm dropping the Brit Lit class, but I found out that the honors version of it is offered in the spring, and that's a jazillion times better anyway. I really need to clean my room sometime soon. I can barely walk in it. Heh, everyone always thinks I've got it all together. It would be so much easier to breathe if people treated me like a human. It drives me nuts when I write something and someone says, "Oh, I would have thought you'd have perfect handwriting." Or when a friend looks over my notes for school and says in shock, "You're not organized!" Or when people hear that I've gotten two, count 'em, one, two warnings for speeding. Yah, I don't speed anymore. Can't afford to get a ticket and God's already given me more than one second chance. Do you really think that I'm this perfectly organized, granny-type driver, beautifully rounded handwriting homeschooler? Ok, so good handwriting and homeschooled almost never go in the same sentence together for starters. Second, I hate driving slow. With. A. Passion. I make myself do it now, which is actually good discipline for me, but it drives me nuts (heh, pun intended). Third, yah, note my room. The door barely opens. Also note the disorganization of the entry. ::laughs:: I love people who just let me be. People I don't have to perform in front of. I might as well have a personality disorder. I could be like that lady who fakes one. She made up like 60 something personalities and fooled all the doctors. What an amazing actress she must have been! Which reminds me, I really want to go out for Blithe Spirit at Dundalk Comm. next year. Prolly should go out for the musical (1776) before it so that they know me, though. Dunno if they'll want me. Gotta try. I can always go do Pumpkin Theatre. Mr Pearthree is interesting to work with. Might take Davey out to audition. I'd like that. Yah, so gonna visit Jon tomorrow. I think we're going shoe shopping. ::laughs:: Gotta run my love...
Galatians 6:2
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I'm terrified of ending up in a marriage like the one my parents have. I don't think they really love each other. I mean, they get along some of the time and have learned to be fond of each other I guess. I have no idea why they ever dated. I know why they got married. Yah, that would be me. Is it possible to find someone that is a good match for you, fall in love with them, and stay in love with them for your entire life? That scares me so much. I don't want some poor guy to be stuck with me. Kids, you don't understand how much stuff I hide so that I won't get on people's nerves. What if I hide it from some unknowing man until I explode a couple years into married life and all of a sudden he's stuck with all this crap that annoys the heck out of him? GAH! ::grits teeth:: No, my dentist told me to stop doing that. ::doesn't grit teeth:: Yah, so I've taken to biting my fingers instead of gritting my teeth. Not like biting through the skin or anything, no worries my love, Tiki doesn't SI. It just lets me grit my teeth without wearing them down. I want school to be over. One more week. Shua comes home tomorrow. ::smiles happily:: All of my performances are done! Most excellent. Going to see Grease, Jekyll & Hyde, and Cinderella this weekend. Gonna watch Davey sail Thurs and Sat. Visiting CpR on Sunday. I'm not listening to God very well these days. I think it must be an end of the semester thing. At the end of last semester, Shades was there to keep me steady. I gotta make myself tune in this semester. Been missing him a lot this week. He and Madonna were hilarious on Saturday. Kinda hurt to watch. Dunno if I'll ever see him again before heaven, actually. Registered for fall classes today. Stats, Brit Lit, and Music Theory unless I can test out of the theory class into the next level. If that happens, I can't take Brit Lit. Almost hoping I won't be able to test out cuz I'd like to take that class. Got way too much hw due on Thursday. Shouldn't be blogging. Felt like I was gonna implode though. Voice lesson tomorrow. Allergies are killing me, so that'll be interesting. My car died at an intersection yesterday. All the emergency lights came on and when I put it in gear as the light turned green and tried to accelerate, absolutely nothing happened. No engine revving or anything. Turned on the flashers, turned off the car, turned it back on, and it was fine. It had a tune up less than a month ago, got new tires three days ago, and got the oil and filter changed two days ago. "I tell you stoppa dese t'ings 'appening. Dis t'ing does not 'appen!" Ahhh, Carlotta. I really like the way my eyeshadow looks today. Zaius gave me a compliment today. Said that the way to make English classes better was to have more Tamras. Made me happy cuz he never gives compliments. Went to Bateman's after the Loyola show. Meredith and I got Shirley Temples at the bar. Some drunk guy came over to tell us that he was celebrating the celebration. ::raises eyebrow:: I don't like it when people are drunk. They're funny sometimes, but I don't know what to expect out of them. Man, I've been so flirty all this week. I really need to keep that in check. I need my Shua to come home. This is a crazy blog. I don't think I'm gonna do any hw. I'd really like to keep a 4.0. I don't think that's a problem though. ::crosses fingers:: Unless I somehow get a C on my last paper in English, I've got an A in that class. Getting a B in D&B is a possibility. Not worried about Makeup, not like it's a real class, but the grade does go into my GPA. Meh, still not worried about it. K, so I got an A on the first test in DB, a high B (but still a B) on the second test. Turned in all the assignments on time. Have this stupid paper to write for it and then the final on Tuesday. I prolly need an A on one of the two, preferably both. Bleah, it's so hard to care about Thursday on Tuesday. Hopefully my car won't break down again en route to VA tomorrow. That would not be good. It was fine today though. I'm wasting your time. Gonna go chat on AIM for a bit then go to bed... Ahh, here's what I need to be reminded of:
Romans 8:38-39
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither heighth nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I cannot be separated from God's love by ANYTHING
Goodnight, darling.

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Ok, so busy busy busy. Let's see, last time I posted was my bday... Nyah, don't remember what I did Thurs. Friday I had rehearsal in the morning then came home and took care of dad cuz he was like dying. Saturday was a freakishly long rehearsal followed by going to see Mark's show at Essex. It was a bit of a dilemma deciding if I was gonna go, but I realized that the point of going was to support Mark as a friend. I didn't really enjoy it, but it was good to see all the ZP kids. Then Sunday. Oh my, the craziness began. Soooo, mom's 50th bday was the 3rd and we told her we were throwing a party for her on the 8th (but that was a lie actually) and so after Church I told her that I had to go to a rehearsal thing for Kate's wedding and that I needed her to come with me and that Dad was taking her out to dinner afterwards. So we drive to Kate's "rehearsal" and she's really confused and is like, "why do I need to be here and what's going on and is she marrying a military man???" And I'm like "I don't know, she just said that I needed to have an adult w/ me and I've got to be here and yah, I think he's in the army." Right, so I lied a couple times. We get there and I see the Peverall's monster of a van right in front of the the parking lot, so I swerve into a space so that she'll be nervous about my driving instead of looking around (which worked, btw) and then we get out and walk in. And everyone jumps out and yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Twas marvelous. So she called me a liar like a jazillion times that night, but she had a good time. K, so Monday. lol, had an apt w/ a plastic surgeon. ::laughs:: Then went over to Loch Raven and found out that the only dress rehearsal for my recital was cancelled. Wonderful. So I went to mom's rehearsal and did that. Tuesday, felt really dehydrated all day, so I drank like five litres of water. Drove to school... ummm, yah, got pulled over for speeding, again... Another warning, I love nice police officers. Had school. Went to Loch Raven for a dress rehearsal that felt like it was on speed. Did the recital. Made a fool of myself in the funny dance and everyone loved it. ::grins:: I got to wear a snorkel mask in a ballet recital, how awesome is that? Yah, my eyemakeup was crazy fun. Jazillions of colours. Right, Wednesday I woke up and felt like I was dying. Hopefully this is just allergies, but I could barely move til about 11:30. So I skipped the ponies and kiddies that morning. Then I went shopping and used some gift certificates from my bday. Much fun. Got a cute skirt that I'm gonna wear to Loyola's show tomorrow. Good confidence builder. Yah, I'm looking forward to seeing the show cuz I know it'll be hilarious, but I think it'll be hard to watch. I hope I know someone that sits near me. Right, anyway, Thurs was school again and the LINDA EDER CONCERT! HOLY CRUD, SO AMAZING! Plus I got to sit next to Lauren and her hott boyfriend, but that was just an added bonus. But yah, that was awesome. She's just as amazing live as she is on the cds. Plus she's hilarious. Man, I want to BE her. Right, Friday... man, that's today. Preview performance for momma's thingy this morning. Then Rachee and I came back to the house and watched Drop Dead Gorgeous til it was time to go back. Went back to the Church and did the evening performance. I think I did purty good w/ the specialty makeups if I do say so myself. Haha, I'm getting good at bruises. Everyone said Nikki and I did great on the duets, but my voice feels like it got swapped for a set of barritone chords (cords?), so I dunno what's up. The Clark girls did amazing w/ their dance. I flubbed a lil of the piece I was accompanying on el piano because my music was being a butt and trying to fly away, but it's all good. Right, so another perf tomorrow afternoon, then All in the Timing that evening. Mom's day on Sunday. Hopefully that will involve sleeping. [Grrr... I don't think guys understand that girls like it when you say goodbye/goodnight before you sign off.] Final perf on Monday. Last week of classes next week. YES! Then finals. Only one final for Tiki. Gotta see a myriad of shows next week. Mmm, Tamra's money is going to die. Mk, I'm gonna go talk to Boing. Love you kiddies.
Psalm 91:4
"He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."