Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I'm terrified of ending up in a marriage like the one my parents have. I don't think they really love each other. I mean, they get along some of the time and have learned to be fond of each other I guess. I have no idea why they ever dated. I know why they got married. Yah, that would be me. Is it possible to find someone that is a good match for you, fall in love with them, and stay in love with them for your entire life? That scares me so much. I don't want some poor guy to be stuck with me. Kids, you don't understand how much stuff I hide so that I won't get on people's nerves. What if I hide it from some unknowing man until I explode a couple years into married life and all of a sudden he's stuck with all this crap that annoys the heck out of him? GAH! ::grits teeth:: No, my dentist told me to stop doing that. ::doesn't grit teeth:: Yah, so I've taken to biting my fingers instead of gritting my teeth. Not like biting through the skin or anything, no worries my love, Tiki doesn't SI. It just lets me grit my teeth without wearing them down. I want school to be over. One more week. Shua comes home tomorrow. ::smiles happily:: All of my performances are done! Most excellent. Going to see Grease, Jekyll & Hyde, and Cinderella this weekend. Gonna watch Davey sail Thurs and Sat. Visiting CpR on Sunday. I'm not listening to God very well these days. I think it must be an end of the semester thing. At the end of last semester, Shades was there to keep me steady. I gotta make myself tune in this semester. Been missing him a lot this week. He and Madonna were hilarious on Saturday. Kinda hurt to watch. Dunno if I'll ever see him again before heaven, actually. Registered for fall classes today. Stats, Brit Lit, and Music Theory unless I can test out of the theory class into the next level. If that happens, I can't take Brit Lit. Almost hoping I won't be able to test out cuz I'd like to take that class. Got way too much hw due on Thursday. Shouldn't be blogging. Felt like I was gonna implode though. Voice lesson tomorrow. Allergies are killing me, so that'll be interesting. My car died at an intersection yesterday. All the emergency lights came on and when I put it in gear as the light turned green and tried to accelerate, absolutely nothing happened. No engine revving or anything. Turned on the flashers, turned off the car, turned it back on, and it was fine. It had a tune up less than a month ago, got new tires three days ago, and got the oil and filter changed two days ago. "I tell you stoppa dese t'ings 'appening. Dis t'ing does not 'appen!" Ahhh, Carlotta. I really like the way my eyeshadow looks today. Zaius gave me a compliment today. Said that the way to make English classes better was to have more Tamras. Made me happy cuz he never gives compliments. Went to Bateman's after the Loyola show. Meredith and I got Shirley Temples at the bar. Some drunk guy came over to tell us that he was celebrating the celebration. ::raises eyebrow:: I don't like it when people are drunk. They're funny sometimes, but I don't know what to expect out of them. Man, I've been so flirty all this week. I really need to keep that in check. I need my Shua to come home. This is a crazy blog. I don't think I'm gonna do any hw. I'd really like to keep a 4.0. I don't think that's a problem though. ::crosses fingers:: Unless I somehow get a C on my last paper in English, I've got an A in that class. Getting a B in D&B is a possibility. Not worried about Makeup, not like it's a real class, but the grade does go into my GPA. Meh, still not worried about it. K, so I got an A on the first test in DB, a high B (but still a B) on the second test. Turned in all the assignments on time. Have this stupid paper to write for it and then the final on Tuesday. I prolly need an A on one of the two, preferably both. Bleah, it's so hard to care about Thursday on Tuesday. Hopefully my car won't break down again en route to VA tomorrow. That would not be good. It was fine today though. I'm wasting your time. Gonna go chat on AIM for a bit then go to bed... Ahh, here's what I need to be reminded of:
Romans 8:38-39
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither heighth nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I cannot be separated from God's love by ANYTHING
Goodnight, darling.


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