Friday, April 08, 2005


Right, so, I went climbing w/ Davey last night, yes? We had a great time, btw, but that isn't what my story is about... right, so I saw the manager from Coldstone Creamery there, and it made me want ice cream really bad. I think to myself, wow, what a perfect example of classical conditioning here! Just like Pavlov's dogs, I took a neutral stimulus and associated it with something totally unrelated. I was gonna go up to the guy and say, hey, you're a neutral stimulus! But I didn't think that'd go over too hott... or maybe a lil too hott, but yah. Then this morning I acted on the impulse to buy ice cream because I've been craving it since then. Problem is, I've been eating healthy for like the last week for once so that when I had this junk food it made me feel horrible. Cha. Yah, so I thought it was funny, but maybe I'm just a dork. Anywho, wanted to say hey to y'all and that I'm alive. And guess what!!! I've been blogging for a year now! Woohoo, let's through a party. Riiight. Yah, I'm gonna be eighteen this month. I don't wanna. Maybe I'll go retro and turn sixteen instead. ::winks:: What a horrible post this is. My apologies. Let's see, anything else that's interesting? Never Alone by Barlowgirl is an amazing song. Totally describes my life w/ God right now. "And though I cannot see you, and I can't explain why, such a deep, deep reassurance you've placed in my life... I cry out with no reply and I can't feel you by my side, so I'll hold tight to what I know - you're here and I'm never alone." I love music. Man. Yah, I started a makeup class at school. The teacher was our costume designer for ZP. It's basically a homeschool class. I come in w/ what I've learned and he grades me. It'll be good practice and it'll force me to learn, so it's all good. He's an interesting man. He's nice if he likes you. And he generally likes you unless you give him lip. I think that's how it works anyway. Saw Lilly at school yesterday. Her hair's purple and she looks gorgeous w/ it as usual. Must be fun. I got two of the pics from Midsummer. They're amazing. One w/ Alex and... drat, can't remember her name... the girl who played Helena on the bridge. Man, I talked to her yesterday too. And the other has Lindsay, Will, and Lilly on the bridge. Haha, Will the half-naked smurf. Wundebar! Uncle Steve is staying safe in Afghanistan. He's not supposed to be there for much longer. He sent our family a package and it got here yesterday. Awesome stuff from a bazaar he went to over there. Chess set, shawl, ornamental elephant, marble jewelry box. Very cool stuff. He's been sending us daily updates to help him pass the time. Uppa's health isn't looking too good. It's really rough to see him getting weaker and weaker. I only see him like once every two months or so, so I really see him degenerating. His time is running out kids and he doesn't know Jesus. It scares me. I know that time is running out for all of us, and I should be just as scared for the rest of the people I know, but death is so much more... present with him. I wish I could be more commited and focused. I know what's really important, but it's so easy to push it to the back of my head. What would it be like to be totally sold out for God? I'm sure it would be incredibly rewarding and that the sacrifices would be worth it, but the things that I spend time on seem so important. Grrr. Stupid human. Cha, well, I need to get back to homework, kiddies. Say a prayer for me if you would. I feel like something's happening in my life, but I don't know what it is. Love you so much...
Psalm 4:1 & 5-8 "Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer... Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD. Many are asking, 'Who can show us any good?' Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety."


At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!... good to see ye post!... really hope things are going well!.. will be praying for ye most deff!.. you are not the only one who has put other things in front of what is really important in life... and with the person that is getting closer to their time... i really hope and pray that he will be saved before he goes... and.. well i beg to differ on " but death is so much more... present with him.".. it is just that you notice it more.. because of his age.. and things like that.. i do the same thing too...just because someone is older and their health is not good.. i think that they are closer to dying then me or someone else around me age.. but really they are not closer to death then anyone else that is..and we need to make sure that we share it to everyone that we know.. reguardless of age... because it just might be their time to go.. and knowing what is after it, should "scare" in us for all.. and make us tell more people about Christ... wow.. ok i am done with me ramblings lol... hope you have a great weekend!


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