New pics!
Hiya kiddies! Check the link to my webshots album in the side bar... There are two new pics in my "Life in General" album, and there's a new album called "Tamra the Cat". I was looking at some of my baby pics and all of my suspicions were confirmed. Haven't gotten around to putting the final pics in of my bday party. Thanks for waiting so patiently. Drat! Haven't put in the pics of Madonna and my girls' night out either. Gah. Oh well. I'm doing so much better kids. Thanks for your prayers, I've felt them. Lisa told me that this month was gonna be real hard cuz that stupid Devil doesn't want me to be able to focus on my Royal Servants trip. Man was she right. I finally am giving it all back to God though. He's so much better at management than I am. Went to CpR this morning. Studied for my final then went to The Bead over at Kenilworth w/ Alex. Bought a pair of earrings that I love and an air freshener for my car. Haha, it smells like roses now - I love it! CpR visited Shock Wave tonight for our baptism. It was great. Such a celebration. One of the boys in Davey's d-team is severely handicapped and he was baptised. I almost cried. It had to be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. This one little girl at ballet is about nine or so years old. Her older sister is a professional dancer and this little girl is in a wheel chair. Her teacher choreographed a dance around her and she was absolutely so expressive with her hands and face. It was beautiful. Performed to the song God of Wonders. He really knows what He's doing, even when it doesn't feel like it. But I digress... Final on Tuesday and then I'm done w/ school. Going to OC next weekend. My Uppa's dying, kiddies. And they don't really know what it is or what to do. Cancer of some sort. I think I said in the last post that they sold the beach house. I'm gonna try to visit Greg while I'm down there. I really want to come back in time for Shock Wave cuz it's senior night, but I also want to stay down for this one last time. Gah, why does it have to be sr night? Any other night and it wouldn't matter if I had to miss. But I've been looking forward to this night ever since my freshman year of Shock Wave when I saw the sr's getting to put the program together. It's already a lil disappointing, cuz my "class" doesn't seem to care a whole lot about it, but I'd still like to be there. I want to help. Urm. So frustrating. Tested out of Music Fundamentals, so I'm dropping the Brit Lit class, but I found out that the honors version of it is offered in the spring, and that's a jazillion times better anyway. I really need to clean my room sometime soon. I can barely walk in it. Heh, everyone always thinks I've got it all together. It would be so much easier to breathe if people treated me like a human. It drives me nuts when I write something and someone says, "Oh, I would have thought you'd have perfect handwriting." Or when a friend looks over my notes for school and says in shock, "You're not organized!" Or when people hear that I've gotten two, count 'em, one, two warnings for speeding. Yah, I don't speed anymore. Can't afford to get a ticket and God's already given me more than one second chance. Do you really think that I'm this perfectly organized, granny-type driver, beautifully rounded handwriting homeschooler? Ok, so good handwriting and homeschooled almost never go in the same sentence together for starters. Second, I hate driving slow. With. A. Passion. I make myself do it now, which is actually good discipline for me, but it drives me nuts (heh, pun intended). Third, yah, note my room. The door barely opens. Also note the disorganization of the entry. ::laughs:: I love people who just let me be. People I don't have to perform in front of. I might as well have a personality disorder. I could be like that lady who fakes one. She made up like 60 something personalities and fooled all the doctors. What an amazing actress she must have been! Which reminds me, I really want to go out for Blithe Spirit at Dundalk Comm. next year. Prolly should go out for the musical (1776) before it so that they know me, though. Dunno if they'll want me. Gotta try. I can always go do Pumpkin Theatre. Mr Pearthree is interesting to work with. Might take Davey out to audition. I'd like that. Yah, so gonna visit Jon tomorrow. I think we're going shoe shopping. ::laughs:: Gotta run my love...
Galatians 6:2
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
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