Friday, December 31, 2004


Happy New Year's Eve, my darlings! I hope that 2004 brought growth and joy to your lives, but if it didn't, then cherish this chance of new life. If it was a wonderful year for you, then imagine what God has in store for next year! This is an exciting time. It's always scary to have days like this and be forced to think about the passage of time, but it's good for us. Or good for me at least. I need to sit down and think things through on occasion. Change of subject. Hmm... ::winces:: Ouch. I think I broke two of my toes at ZP rehearsal today. I'm so stupid. I was trying to do a Russian jump (you do a straddle split in the air and touch your toes) cuz Phill had given me a suggestion on how to do it better and I landed all wrong. I felt something crack, which is never good, and now my toes are swollen and not bending properly. This means that I have to wear pants instead of a skirt because I can't wear the heels that go with my skirt. Cha. That meant absolutely nothing to any Y chromosomes out there, but my double X's will understand my agony. ::winks:: Ok, so I'm a lil dramatic, but they hurt like mad. I need to ice them again. My family just left for vacation. ::sniff:: No Caribbean for Tiki. C'est la vie. BUT... ACTF is gonna rock. Stacey and I worked on Irene Ryan stuff again yesterday and I feel really good about it. I need to finish my monologue just in case I make it to finals by some freak chance. I really would like to make it to semi's so that we can perform our second scene, but I honestly don't care about winning. It would be good to get the scholarship, but there are others who need/deserve it more than I do. Watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Shades last week. Gorgeous movie. The acting, camera angles, storyline, twists, everything was just tremendously splendid. ::grins:: I got my report card back for this semester. Yay, still a 4.0 student. Cha, I'm gonna be depressed when my course load is crazy next year and I can't keep up. We'll see what happens. I recorded my audition songs at Uncle Les's house on Wednesday. Enjoy Being a Girl and Unexpected Song. They didn't turn out half bad if I do say so myself. Especially considering that I'm sick and had been in vocal rehearsal all day. I got to the end of Unexpected the third time around and just didn't have it in me anymore. It ends with an six-interval jump to a G (which is already a difficult note for me) and I barely made it on like the fifteenth try. Thankfully, we were able to record just that section a gazillion times so that I didn't have to have the whole song perfect. Ylll. I hope I'm back in shape by next week. This is crazy, lol. Oh man, my toe hurts. K, I've gotta go get dressed for the New Year's Eve party tonight. Kids, I really hope that you don't drink tonight. It's so much more fun if you don't, I promise. Be careful if you're driving tonight. Love y'all soooooo much! I'll be praying for you.
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Hey kiddies! Oh my goodness! I'm so excited about ACTF! Stacey came over tonight and we worked out a bunch of stuff for Irene Ryan and it's gonna rock. Dude, I'm so excited! The second scene is absolutely hysterical and the first is awesome. I've got a lot of work to do on the character for the second scene, but it's gonna be fun. We might not even be able to do both because the chances are really slim of making it even to the semi-finals, but I've gotta be prepared. Cuz I'm a boyscout. lol, I'm such a dork. We've been building the ZP set all week. I wasn't able to go today cuz I had a voice lesson, but they finished it today. I went yesterday and the day before. lol, I fed the poor, immigrating geese (aka, all those at teky camp) yesterday. Haha, sorry, you'd have to be there. I tried to explain earlier, but it didn't work. Maybe I'll scan the napkin and show you. ::grins:: That just made it more confusing. Cha. I'll find it later and maybe things will become clear. How do you hide a polar bear? ::covers eyes:: ::shakes head:: I watched Nightmare Before Christmas w/ Shades last night. Good times. His little sister watched it w/ us. She's adorable. I'd never seen it before. The movie, not an adorable little girl. Cha, I'm so tired. I had a jazz class w/ Lindsay Rhae last weekend. Did I tell you that already? Dude, I'm so tired. I think I'll go now. LE: thirteen: M... Madonna!! Dude, she rocks! I need to stop saying dude, it's unseemly. She's still awesome though. And a sweetheart. And amazing. lol, I love her dearly and she's gonna be an amazing Eponine. K, kiddies, over and out.
Psalm 71:23
My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you - I, whom you have redeemed.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

School's out!

School is ovah kiddies! Hoo rah! Had a voice lesson today after my final final. I don't really feel like writing much right now. Tell me which of these pics y'all like. In the Chatterbox would be nice, but I'd accept comments too. I'm feeling lonely here. Mk kiddies. (Random comment: I have the hottest boyfriend ever, just so y'all know.) LE: five: Noooooo, I'm cursed, five squared: H: Hartford, Hereford, Hampshire, Hurricanes, Hardly, Happen... I wonder how my old friend Howard is doing. I'll pick him for my Live Eulogy today. One of the sweetest men alive. He lives in Virginia and practically adopted me when I was little. I get Christmas cards from him sometimes and I used to get a birthday card every year. Such a sweet man. I pray that wherever he is, God is blessing him and helping him in his life. Love y'all an awful lot...
Luke 12:7
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

And then we have the most realistic of all. Tamra not lost, but everyone thinking she is. Horrible grammar, ah well. C'est la vie.

And then of course there's this one (you'll have to read these posts in backwards order). Not as flattering as the prom pic, but more realistic.

Thinking about changing my profile pic, whaddy'all think? Tell me in the chatterbox or in the comments or something.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


"Demons'll charm you with a smile for a while, but in time nothing's gonna harm you. Not while I'm around." Gorgeous song, absolutely lovely. "Not While I'm Around" from Sweeney Todd. Dark musical, but excellent. Don't take your little ones to see it. Not for the faint of heart. ::grins:: Wow, I'm so weird today. But, for real, four of the main characters die in the epilogue of the show. I've got one essay left to write for school and an extra credit question that I might answer, then I'm DONE!!!!!!! For this semester anyway. Then I can get on with Zombie Prom and Irene Ryans. Dude, does life ever slow down? Man alive. I love the stuff that's going on, well, most of it, but I can't breathe. That's a small problem. ::grins:: Ah well. Say a prayer for me if you get the chance, kiddies. Love ya lots... LE, 2, E, Emily A-L... ::grins:: I love my Em. She's amazing. She's got so much stamina and more spunk than a skunk. Does a skunk have spunk? Mmm, too much Sondheim for Tiki. I told you my life is a musical. Anywho, Em rocks. Her photography is taking her to FL in January. Her boy had better be good to her... ::lets the threat hang:: Just kidding, he's a Loyola boy, so I know he will be. He's one of the good L-boys, anyway. Man, I'm so tired. Cha. I love my Emily. Wish I could spend more time with her. Maybe I'll abduct her and take her to college with me and make her be my roommate. Where did that come from? Somebody shoot me with a tranquilizer. Dude. See ya.
Matthew 11:29
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

Sunday, December 12, 2004


ZOMBIE PROM IS GOING TO REGIONALS!!!!!! Kids, you have no idea how excited I am! Apparently, all of the copyright issues that were going on are expected to blow over, so we've been invited and the college accepted! Bad news is, they tore the set apart cuz they didn't think we were going, but we'll rebuild it. Hoo rah! So excited! I found out on Friday and tried to write a blog telling y'all then, but the system ate it and I didn't feel like retyping it so I just figured y'all would have to wait. ::grins:: Harmonizers had a preview performance on Friday and a real performance yesterday. It went pretty well, I sing in the chorus and do some swing dancing. I'm really proud of my dancers, they learned really well and it's the showstopper. The audience loves it. I worked with them a lot and they worked really hard. My mother's ticked with me and I'm ticked with her, so that part of life isn't much fun right now. Finals are next week, so that's making me crazy. Another performance at White Marsh Mall tomorrow at 1:30 or something. Rehearsals at Loyola for Les Mis this week. Good deal. Voice lesson on Thursday after my last class. Going to Lindsay's studio on Friday for a private lesson. She's gonna teach me some Fosse so that I'm a little used to all that jazz (::grins:: I'm so horrible) when I go to the auditions. Worked for one of the neighbors last night. She's packaging Christmas presents for some company and her garage is filled with these gifts. I've definitely dropped the subjects of a good majority of the last few sentences. Shades is sick. :'( Lots of prayers going out from this girl for his health. Stupid germs. They should all die. Going to the Ravens game today. Cha, I don't know how I'm supposed to finish all these take home exams and projects and never be home. I can't wait for Friday. Dude, there's so much stuff that needs to happen between now and February. I'm gonna go crazy if I start to think too far ahead. Man alive. I think I already am crazy. La, I'm such a dork (once again, y'all need to read Scarlet Pimpernel). Don't forget to write in the chatterbox. If someone knows how I can make it higher than the archives, let me know. I'm HTML intolerant. K, children. I've been missing the LE for a while, so here goes: twelve: S (again, this is the third time, I guess S is a common letter, though): Hmm... Sarah, Sally, Santa... Shera! My cousin. We grew up together and always have lots of fun. She's the sweetest girl on the planet. Always laughing, always trying to make other feel comfortable. She always puts others before herself. I'm amazed by her humility and gentleness. Her values are so strong and her standards are so high. Her love is so great and her laughter is so sweet. Love my girl. There I go dropping the subject again. That's my exit clue. Light's out kids. All my love... (Dude, check out this verse, it's gorgeous.)
Psalm 16:6
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

Thursday, December 09, 2004


Hey kiddies! Just wanted to tell you real quick that I added a chatterbox. It's all the way at the bottom on the right side. The right side is that way -->. I totally rocked the copy and pasting of the html stuff. So proud of myself. Love ya! ;-)

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Such a dork, ::grins::

Hey kiddies! Zombie Prom didn't make it to regionals. :'( But that's ok, I will survive. ::grins:: I still get to go to ACTF because of the Irene Ryan thing, but it would have been more fun if everyone could go. Nyah, God definitely knows what He's doing, so I'll submit. That last post was pretty creative if I do say so myself, dontcha think? ::pats self on back:: Well, I would pat my self on the back if the stupid philosophers would agree what the self is. Cha. Or at least, if the self... Nevermind, you don't care. And Ryan O is officially a goofball (read the comments on the "Lotsa" post to find out why). Well, I guess that is a break of web confidentiality. Not really. I just wanted to try to spell it. Man, I'm such a dork. Watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and Edward Scissorhands w/ Shades on Sat. Much fun. ::grins:: Definitely put up resistance on watching ES cuz I thought it was a horror film. Ahh well. It's a good movie. Sad, but that's ok. I went to Loyola today for rehearsal and found out it was cancelled. Boo. They told all the boys, but didn't call Julia or me. Silly administrators. Mom's making the background track of my college audition songs. So exciting! I'm using Unexpected Song (absolutely gorgeous song, I love it) and Enjoy Being a Girl. So much fun. Enjoy is the song I used for my Zombie Prom audition. I like it a lot. Ms. Adriana was really encouraging at my last voice lesson. She rocks. I'm not kidding, she reminds me of Yoda. The really cool Yoda that totally crushes the bad guys in Episode II, not the dying Yoda. K, gonna go be a real person. Instead of a virtual one or something. Who knows! ::grins:: First, LE: 12: Nooooooooooooo!!! Absolutely not! I am not doing another O! Forget this. ::grins::
Proverbs 27:14
"If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse."

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Tiki's World: The Musical

Act Seventeen
Scene Two
Enter Shades. Shades is originally cast in the role of "Aquaintance", but is so exceptional that he is quickly shifted into the role of "Friend" (with frequent appearings as "Mentor", "Therapist", and "Educator").
Scene Twelve
The Producer (and what a Divine Being He is) decides that the time has come to recast Shades into the strenuous and emotionally demanding role of "Boyfriend". As the story continues to unfold, we have high hopes that Tiki's feminine foibles, mood swings, and wacky idiosyncrases will not drive him away. Tune in next time to hear the newest stories in their purest form. We hope you have enjoyed this week's episode and thank you for watching "Tiki's World".
This program is made possible by the Producer's support and direction and by the prayers of viewers like you.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Hey kiddies, mk, where to start? Sorry, no part two (or three or whatever) to the "to be continued" yet. Haha, sorry Matt (right? That was you who wrote the PTK comment?), I wasn't really knocking PTK, I just get mean and sarcastic when I'm tired. I'm very thankful to them right now, cuz CMU waived my application fee. Made me happy. Yah, that's the next bit of news. Who just sent in all three of her college applications? That's right, you're looking at her... weblog. ::grins:: I visited CMU this weekend and I love it. I already knew I loved it, but this makes me want to go there even more. If you could hear inside my head at every new corner, you would've heard, "God, please? I want to go here sooooo badly. Could You pleeeease have it in Your plans for me? Please???". I've got auditions at all three schools (well, I think I've got one at IC, I sent in the little card thingy anyway). Two in January and one in Feb. Actually, mom doesn't know that I set up the last one yet, but there was only one left on the date that we had to go, so I reserved it. It's at like, nine in the morning. Yll! How am I supposed to create art at nine in the morning??? lol, I'll just have to get up real early so that it feels later. Haha, don't tell my body, I mess with it all the time. Mk, what else... I got three papers back from school and they were A's, so I'm happy. I always feel like a dumb butt if I get a bad grade. I know I can get good grades, it's just a matter of being motivated. I turned in a paper on Tuesday that I felt good about and I just finished one to turn in tomorrow. First Les Mis rehearsal is tomorrow, very exciting! I think it's w/ Ms. Jordan, so it'll rock. Haha, I went antique-ing today. Shades, I totally saw an autoharp! If it hadn't been $75 I would have gotten it. :'( I'm almost finished Christmas shopping. Just need one more filler. Shua and Jon were home this weekend. So much fun! Jon's house on Friday and Shua's on Sat after going to Bateman's w/ Shades, Madonna, and Davon. We played Apples to Apples (a game that rocks my socks off). What else? We might be hearing about ACTF this weekend. Keep my nerves in your prayers, kids. It would be awesome to get to go to regionals. Holy cow! Man, that would rock! Loyola boys are at Kairos this week. I hope they're having a great week, but we'll never know, will we girls? Mk, I guess I should stop now. I'm in writing mode cuz of all these dumb essays. Man alive, my cat is huge. I'm sitting at the puter and he reached up and pawed my shoulder while he was on the ground. It's insane, he's a monster. He's an adorable monster, but it's the principle of the issue. Don't ask me what that meant, you'll have to talk to my brain and it's been missing for I don't know how long. ;-) K, LE, 26 (letters of the alphabet), O. O? Olga, Olivia, Othello... Occult, Oriole, Orange... What the heck? I've gotta know someone whose name starts w/ an O. I mean, I have a cousin (sorta, well, yah, cousin) named Olga, but I haven't seen her since I was like three (she lives in Alaska). One of my dad's friends has a daughter named Olivia. Oscar, Otto, Orczy (y'all need to read the Scarlet Pimpernel, btw). Check it out, no one has a first name starting w/ O in my address book. Crazy, ok, we'll go for a last name. Ryan O... Haha, my bud that NEVER COMES ON ANY OF THE FAMILY VACATIONS. Ahem. Sorry. He's funny as a nut and a lot of fun to talk to IF I EVER HAD A CHANCE TO TALK TO HIM. Ahem. My apologies. lol, I hope there are wonderful things in store for him.
James 1:2-3
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverence."