Friday, December 31, 2004


Happy New Year's Eve, my darlings! I hope that 2004 brought growth and joy to your lives, but if it didn't, then cherish this chance of new life. If it was a wonderful year for you, then imagine what God has in store for next year! This is an exciting time. It's always scary to have days like this and be forced to think about the passage of time, but it's good for us. Or good for me at least. I need to sit down and think things through on occasion. Change of subject. Hmm... ::winces:: Ouch. I think I broke two of my toes at ZP rehearsal today. I'm so stupid. I was trying to do a Russian jump (you do a straddle split in the air and touch your toes) cuz Phill had given me a suggestion on how to do it better and I landed all wrong. I felt something crack, which is never good, and now my toes are swollen and not bending properly. This means that I have to wear pants instead of a skirt because I can't wear the heels that go with my skirt. Cha. That meant absolutely nothing to any Y chromosomes out there, but my double X's will understand my agony. ::winks:: Ok, so I'm a lil dramatic, but they hurt like mad. I need to ice them again. My family just left for vacation. ::sniff:: No Caribbean for Tiki. C'est la vie. BUT... ACTF is gonna rock. Stacey and I worked on Irene Ryan stuff again yesterday and I feel really good about it. I need to finish my monologue just in case I make it to finals by some freak chance. I really would like to make it to semi's so that we can perform our second scene, but I honestly don't care about winning. It would be good to get the scholarship, but there are others who need/deserve it more than I do. Watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Shades last week. Gorgeous movie. The acting, camera angles, storyline, twists, everything was just tremendously splendid. ::grins:: I got my report card back for this semester. Yay, still a 4.0 student. Cha, I'm gonna be depressed when my course load is crazy next year and I can't keep up. We'll see what happens. I recorded my audition songs at Uncle Les's house on Wednesday. Enjoy Being a Girl and Unexpected Song. They didn't turn out half bad if I do say so myself. Especially considering that I'm sick and had been in vocal rehearsal all day. I got to the end of Unexpected the third time around and just didn't have it in me anymore. It ends with an six-interval jump to a G (which is already a difficult note for me) and I barely made it on like the fifteenth try. Thankfully, we were able to record just that section a gazillion times so that I didn't have to have the whole song perfect. Ylll. I hope I'm back in shape by next week. This is crazy, lol. Oh man, my toe hurts. K, I've gotta go get dressed for the New Year's Eve party tonight. Kids, I really hope that you don't drink tonight. It's so much more fun if you don't, I promise. Be careful if you're driving tonight. Love y'all soooooo much! I'll be praying for you.
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"


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