Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Hierarchy of Needs in effect

Hiya kiddies! I haven't written for a while. :'( Sorry bout that. ::grins:: Let's see... Les Miserables has closed. It was good fun. I miss the cast. I'll have to get everyone together and go over to Bateman's or something. Thanks to everyone who came and saw the show! (Thanks to the people who tried to see it and couldn't get seats too. I totally wouldn't stand for 2 1/2 hours either. Yick!) Which brings me to an exciting comment: We basically sold out every show (there were a few empty seats, but that was cuz people didn't show who had bought tickets), and they sold like 89 standing seats to closing night. It was crazy. The audience was so animated. I'm waiting at school right now. I finished both of my classes, but I'm gonna go see Midsummer's Night Dream again (yes, it's that amazing, definitely worth it). And it doesn't start til 2:00. I'm gonna go eat lunch pretty soon, but if I just wait a little bit, then the cafeteria will calm down. I'm so hungry. Haha, I always say that. We had a cast party at the house on Sunday. Much fun. Oooo! And I went to Grace Community in Columbia that morning to visit CPR (since I couldn't go to Impact). It was awesome! I love those people so much! They made me feel so special. Haha, so my whole weekend was performances and parties. It was great, but I'm exhausted. I don't think we did anything Thursday night, but after the performance on Friday, we went to Bateman's (Cass and I virtually slept through the meal, but she rocks my world, so it's all good). Allistair wore her scarf as a turban. ::laughs:: Poor Ryan waited the whole night for his burger and then it turned out that it was at our end of the table the whole night. K, so before the closing performance there was a cast Mass and and dinner. Then we all went to Kyle's house and ate lots of food afterwards. Most everyone slept over at his house, but like I said, I had to drive to Columbia, so I went home and slept. Tralala. Yesterday was long. Ballet in the morning, was supposed to have a midterm conference w/ my English teacher so I drove over here and it was cancelled. Bleah. Then I realized I'd forgotten my music, so I drove home and then to VA for my voice lesson. Ms Adriana suggested that I take music theory. I totally agree. I know jack when it comes to theory. Kind of embarassing really. Nyah, it's all good. Wow, I'm so tired. And hungry. Maslow's hierarchy. Nothing sophisticated will be coming out of my mind until I get sleep and food. Ohhh, Zak was the speaker at CPR on Sunday and he was amazing. He spoke about praying for other people when you're having problems. I've been trying to do that and it's amazing! It takes my mind off of my problems and it makes me focus on other people's problems. Wundebar. Haha, k, I've gotta run now. Too hungry. Let's see... verse... I know I've put this one in before, but it's important and worth repeating.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
"Pray continuously."

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Hey kiddies, I'm trying something a bit different. Y'all know how I used to do the Live Eulogies at the end of each entry? I made a blog where I can do that now. I've only just started, so there's only one entry right now, but hopefully it'll get full soon. There are so many people that I love so much. It scares me out of my mind to think that you might never know how much I love you. Or that you'll never know what it is that I love about you. Thus the live eulogies. Here's the link: http://liveeulogy.blogspot.com/ I'll also stick a link in the side bar. Make sure to check it because I'll be writing about you soon. ::grins:: Ok, now to life... I'm about to go into tech week for Les Mis. I just turned in a paper to Doc Rosenthal and had a test for Doc Seltzer. Like I said, the audition went well, but I won't hear for a month or so. I go back and forth between being crazy with worry and relying on God for peace. I don't think I'm ever anywhere in between. I either rely on myself or on Him. I'm so excited about Shock Wave tonight! Come join us! 6:45 at Grace. Go here for directions: GFC Mk, what else? Went to a party at Julia's last Friday. It was a lot of fun. Shades was there and it was so good to see him. We talked a bit, but I think I was trying too hard to come off as being normal. He always read me pretty well, so I'm hoping that he won't take any of the teasing as bitterness. Urgh, the conversation we had on Friday would have come across as fun teasing two months ago, but I'm afraid that it came across differently because of the circumstances. I totally didn't mean it that way. Shades, if you read this... I guess I'm just trying too hard to go back to just friends. I'm sorry, I'll try from now on to relax instead of be normal. I've missed you, and I hope you're doing well. There, ok. Now, moving on... Whoops, gotta run. Church time. Love ya! I'll put the link in the side bar later. Mwah!