Hey kiddies, it's been a couple days since I posted, let me see if I can sum up what's happened since then. Hmmm, Saturday... Oh, I was supposed to go to the Vanity Fair outlets w/ Carolina, but I had to stay home instead. I cleaned the house/mowed the lawn, then that night went over to Emily's house w/ my lil bro while our 'rents went out to eat. We watched Zoolander (very strange, but funny). Although Em and I did more hanging out and talking and looking at pictures from our respective trips. Sunday... umm... ::scratches head:: Church, had an awesome service that talked about resentment and reconciliation. Oh yah, we went down to the Inner Harbor and had dinner at J. Paul's. Very nice restaurant. Stained the back deck w/ my family yesterday. Very tiring. Ok, now today... School. Went pretty well, I ran into Gwen before class, so that rocked. I love her so much, what a sweetie! Acting class got started today. It rocked! I was so happy! I didn't let my intimidations get the better of me like I normally do and I was just myself. It felt so good. This summer was really good for me. It's hard to hold on to what I learned this summer though. It would be so easy to fall back into the trap of conformity and timidity. I don't want to be in the mold and float along with everyone else. That's so rotten. It's horrible to know that you've got something inside that wants to burst out, but you're too afraid to let it through. God really brought some people (particularly Petru and Jeanette) into my life that just showed me they loved me and respected me for WHO I AM. Petru told me I was beautiful even when I felt so ugly. Jeanette is always there to listen and she talks to me for real. They showed me that I don't have to hide. It's not healthy to hide. I'm not going to open all of me to everyone, but I'm tired of feeling like nobody knows me. I'm trying to knock down the barriers and be more real. I would switch personas so much from place to place. At Harmonizers, I'm the hostess, so I clown around. At Grace, I smile and laugh and be polite and love everyone. At School, I would always be quiet and meek and smile and nod at the teacher. We did an exercise in Acting today where we showed how we thought people viewed us and then who we really were. I was struck first by how many different characters I play and second by how person after person portrayed themselves (their
real selves) as being so
broken. Just crying and reaching out to anyone. Longing for acceptance. It's gonna be a hard class. I want to show them how much they are loved. I want God to be able to use me. Anywho, after that I went to Philosophy and almost fell asleep (bad me) cuz it was going over the exact same stuff that we had been assigned to read. Only half of it, actually, so we'll have to do the same thing on Thursday. But the teacher couldn't really help it, he had to go over the stuff cuz some of the people in class didn't understand it. He goes off on tangents an awful lot, but that's beside the point (a little bit of irony there, if you didn't catch it, maybe I'm just dumb). Oooh! Funny story (well, funny in retrospect). In the middle of staining the railing for the deck, Dad was on a ladder, and it was one of those cheap-o aluminum ones. The bottom
bent. It was crazy. He fell. Then proceeded to throw the ladder. It was scary, but it's kinda funny now. Another funny story. My philosophy teacher learns names by making a sheet of where people sit, assuming that since human nature prefers something familiar to the unknown, people generally sit in the same seats all semester... The second class as he called roll, he marked down where people were sitting and muttered, "Same seat, same seat, different seat..." etc, etc, so I picked up on this. Just to test my theory, I sat in a diff seat this week. Sure enough, when he called roll, he checked his sheet and would look in the direction of the student's seat from last week as he called their name. So when he got to my name, he looked where I'd sat last week, but I wasn't there, so he had to switch it on his little sheet. It made me very happy. ::grins:: I'm such a dork. Love ya'll.
Song of Songs 2: 11-13
"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,
The cooing of the doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
My beautiful one, come with me."