"When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say it is well, it is well with my soul." I'm a little sad right now, kiddies. Well, not so much on the little, but I'm not going to shoot myself or anything, I promise. Shades and I broke up yesterday. I'm doing alright. To be honest, it was such a dream come true that I could never quite believe it was real, so I'm already finding that I remember it like a dream. That's a blessing in itself. I don't regret one minute. Shades is still one of my dearest friends. I can't afford to lose a friendship that important to me. Of course things will be awkward for a while, but it will get better... God willing. I'm sad that it lasted such a short time, but I trust God and He knows what He's up to. I realized today that what I felt for Shades is very similar to how I need to act towards God. You know that song, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul"? Well, Shades obviously wasn't my lover (get your mind out of the gutter child), but that's the kind of intimacy, except 700 fold, that the song is talking about. I think God gave me these two lovely months so that I could understand a little better how He loves me and how I should love Him. Excluding this last week, they've been wonderful and I thank God for letting me have the experience. Well, I still thank God for this last week, of course, but it wasn't the same as the rest of the time. Ah well, Dad rented I, Robot last night and we watched that after I'd calmed down. Today HH had their auditions and I judged. It was really long, but I took myself to the mall and Nikki took me dinner and ice-cream afterwards, so it's all good. Heh, Shades is the one who taught me how to get over guys. It might be a little hard because I'm using his method, but I know it works. Gah, it really sucks right now that everything reminds me of him. I pray that God will bless him immeasurably. He's an amazing person. Please keep both of us in your prayers. Break ups are never fun, so I've heard. But enough of that. On the good side, Mom and I are getting along really well this week. School starts on Tuesday. Woo hoo. ::smirks:: Go me, rocking the two and a half classes. I'm going to pick a person to eulogize today. I had a meeting last Wednesday for Shock Wave and the man that led the meeting is an amazing person. His name is Mr Scott. His insight in God and life and people is just so clear. He's a people person. Not meaning he enjoys being w/ people, but that he reads people and knows how to respond to them and wants to respond in a way that is good for them. I think that's just too cool. He reminded me a lot of Brian, my MS brother. I think there are going to be some changes at Shock Wave. There's a new wind blowing and I like what I smell. ::grins:: Darling, I love you so much. Stay in God's grace. Keep me in your prayers and I'll keep you in mine. Mwah!
Psalm 19:14
"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."
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