Boys are so unoriginal. Maybe I should try to be sympathetic, but really, I'd think you could come up with better introductory... no, not even introductory, opening questions than, "Are you in this class?", "Are you Spanish?", "Do you have a boyfriend?", and, my own personal favorite, "Are you reading that?" (this last comment referred to the book that was sitting open in front of me). I understand that females appear scary, but if you're going to hit on me at all at least have the decency to be interesting. There are so many sweet/funny/attention-getting pick up lines out there. You don't even have to think of them on your own! Goodness. It's not like I'm going to go out w/ you anyway. Are there really girls out there who give their phone number to random strangers? If there are, I wish they would stop, so that the male population would get discouraged and give up. I understand that you would like to meet new people, but please, do not interrupt me when I am walking in the opposite direction of you or working on the computer. And especially do not interrupt me when I am reading a book. You see, I have to be polite to you because you are a stranger, but only acquaintances should be allowed to make pointless interruptions. I would prefer to limit this to friends, but that would be unkind. I'm all in favor of answering a legitimate question, but "Are you Spanish?" does not appear in that category. I'm also in favor of meeting new people when neither of us are doing anything else and when both parties are inclined to have a conversation, but an interruption followed by a random question, a short answer, and one of the two parties exiting does not qualify. Cha. The Syracuse audition went well, by the way. I'm in the middle of a wonderful book called "Hogfather" by Terry Pratchett. I think I will go see what's happening in Discworld. Before I finish, LE: three: Y? Ylll. Yyyyyyyour mom. I'm not in the mood for a live eulogy right now. I'll come back on later and add one. Man, nothing like conviction, is there? Gah, I can't end with that and just tag a Bible verse onto the end of this post. That's horrible. It misrepresents me as a person and what I stand for, which is even worse. My apologies to the boy at the library that irritated me. Ranting and raving about an irritation was childish of me. What can I do to lighten my mood? Mmmm, let me go to the kitchen and get a marshmallow, that should make me feel better and clear my mind... I wonder what it would taste like if I put this chocolate/peanut butter candy in my hot chocolate w/ the marshmallow. Mmmm, unfortunately for experimentation, I was loathe to sacrifice the chocolate, so we'll never know. Mwahaha. Ylll, the hot chocolate doesn't taste so chocolatey after I've had a piece of real chocolate. Oh well, it's still good. Mk, my dear, I apologize for my rant. Let me try that live eulogy now that I'm in a better frame of mind. Twelve... Man, O. ::sighs:: llOyd Alexander. The author. I don't know him, haven't met him, but I have enjoyed his writing growing up. I may not have liked that the end of the Black Cauldron series didn't have a cotton candy ending, but that's a good thing. I need to be faced with reality every now and then when I seek to escape it. It's not that it didn't have a happy ending, just the ending was realistic and made you realize that life goes on past "happily ever after". It also made you realize that life would end past "happily ever after". The hero was offered immortality but he would have had to abandon those who trusted him to receive it. He stays with his people, so the reader is pleased, but now there's this idea hanging at the back of your consciousness that the hero will die someday. Or for those unfortunate souls who have not practiced pushing thoughts to the back of their minds, the thought is in the foreground of their brains and taunts them. Kinda depressing. But still, he got the girl and saved the world, so it can't be that bad. Wow, I just can't make this work, can I? What spirit of cynicism has seized me? I apologize to you, my reader. Leave a nice optimistic note for me, would ya? I'm not in a bad mood, I just can't seem to get in a good mood. But, God is faithful when I am faithless, so I will still end with a verse. Let me find one...
1 Corinthians 10:13
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
Pardon this out-of-the-blue comment from someone wandering along the "Next Blog" button, but... How do you recommend we males go about introducing ourselves, then?
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