No continuity, whatsoever
Hey y'all, had a weirdo weekend. Like I said in the last post, I was too sick to do anything on Sunday or Monday. Seth called at some point in the last couple of days (all of them ran together in one flu-ish haze) while I was contemplating the ivy in my front yard and told me to enjoy the experience cuz it was the closest I'd ever get to being high. ::crosses eyes:: Gotta love that kid, lol. By Tuesday, no, I lied, by Monday night, I couldn't stand being cloistered anymore, quarantined would have been the better word, ah well, so I went to bed comparitively early. Went to Panera w/ Jon on Tuesday. Much fun, hadn't seen him since Thanksgiving time. He's such a goofball. I'll miss my T-boys when they leave next year. They'd better come back and visit me. Or maybe I'll just have to hunt them down. Mwahaha. Went to Shades' swim meet after that. The Dons played against McDonough, so I saw Reilly on the other team. Didn't have a chance to say hello. ::slaps wrist:: Bad Tiki. Had a weird convo w/ Kevin after the meet. ::raises eyebrow:: He's a funny one. Something about people with no legs and the genie's wrist cuffs. ::sighs:: Those Loyola boys. ::grins:: Hit up Coldstone Creamery w/ Shades and watched Chicago. I know, I know, I'm such a horrible person, I'd never seen it before. ::shrugs:: Wow, too many descriptions in the last couple of sentences. I don't really do any of these actions. They're just what would be done if my brain were actually my body. Or maybe if I was actually saying this out loud instead of typing it. Had to go out to the farm this morning. Ylll. Hopping more fences, baaaaaad idea. Came home and crashed. I think I slept from 9 to 2. Nice long nap. Family got home about five hours after I did last night. They're SO STINKING TAN. Shalt not envy, shalt not envy. TOO LATE. lol. They had a good time but there were problems with their plane coming home so they had to bus it from Norfolk to Dulles and then drove home from Dulles. Not much fun for them. Then I got up two hours after they got home to clean up after a couple of ponies. Isn't life grand? ::grins:: I'm not actually upset, I'm just complaining. ::winks:: I wish I were more easygoing. I'm already biting my tongue again. ::sighs:: At least I found out that I can handle indepedence. It was actually good for me cuz it forced me to make decisions instead of waiting around for others to do stuff for me. I'm such a bum. Voice lesson tomorrow and Les Mis rehearsal afterwards. I'm interested to see what my voice is gonna do cuz I've been staying off of it as much as possible. I dunno if it'll be fine or if it's gonna feel abused. I've gotta remember not to push during rehearsal. Have those stupid auditions this weekend. ::chews nails:: Say a prayer for me if you get the chance. Pray that I won't freak out. ::grins:: Mmmmm, I gotta learn to rely on God. I KNOW that I can't do it on my own, I'm just so stubborn. And it takes discipline to rely on His strength. I'm not very good about that. In any arena of my life, really. Apparently, I like to try things on my own and then feel guilty when they don't work out. CUZ I'M STUPID. ::shakes head:: I don't know if I'm a control freak or if I'm just lazy. ::shrugs:: Mk, I'm gonna wrap this up. LE: hehe, 45... ::counts slowly:: S... ssssss... Seth M., my summer time friend. He's a good kid. Makes me think about things that I normally take for granted. He's just got an interesting outlook on life that makes me reevaluate my own perspective. ::grins:: He's a gentle beast. Like I said, good kid. I hope God has many blessings in store for him. Check out this verse, kiddies. I wish it would just play in my head all the time when I'm talking to fellow Christians. I need reminding about unity. How can I ever shine clearly if I am in conflict with my Christian family?
Galatians 3:26-28
"You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.
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