Sitting here at the computer... Just me and my poptart. Well, it was just me and my poptart. Unfortunately, I had to finish it off so that I could type properly. Anyway, I'm sitting her at the computer wondering why everyone has gone to bed. It's only 10:30, for crying out loud. Ok, I lied, 10:47. But everyone started getting off quite a while ago. I guess it is a school night. Kids, I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO. I'm so bored. Maybe I'll go to the mall or something tomorrow. I can't even call up Shua cuz he went back to Waste Management today. Hehe. Sorry, kiddo, couldn't resist. But really, whenever I see those trucks with the WM in yellow letters on green... ::giggles:: I guess I am tired. See, my logic is that the longer I stay up right now, the later I'll sleep tomorrow morning. Which means that I'll have fewer hours of nothing to do. Ya wanna hear what I've done today? Lemme think... Mk, I woke up, went downstairs on a whim and played DDR for like an hour. Went back upstairs and took a bath. A real, live, luxurious bath. Bath salts and everything. Came back downstairs and called Shua to say goodbye. He was about five minutes away from W&M and had just woken up a few minutes before. I have good timing. ::winks:: Got on the puter and rambled and distracted Shades from the work he was doing. Bad me. I got thinking about Lincoln Logs and wondered if we still had ours, but Mom told me to go clean my room at 3:30 so I didn't do anything about it. I cleaned my room very slowly and around five I came back down and got on the computer again. At about this time, I realized that I had never gone on my quest for the Long Lost Lincoln Logs of Antioch, so I trekked down to the depths of my abode and found them. They came with directions. So I'm sitting there, well, here, at the computer, talking to Shades and playing with toys and for some reason I call him a dork. He calls me a geek... I couldn't say anything... ya know why? Because I was sitting there, not only playing with Lincoln Logs, not only following the directions that came with the Lincoln Logs, but also wearing a tshirt that reads: "There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't." I guess at the core of who I am, I really am a geek. ::grins:: Yay, I have a label. (Read the last post to understand that reference.) Ok, sorry, back to my boring account... Family gets home, we eat dinner... Messed w/ the guitar a little. Gotta get my calluses back before I have to play for the kiddies again. My poor fingertips are sore just from the little bit of playing I did. Now I'm back on the computer and still BORED OUT OF MY HEAD. I've gotta find something to do tomorrow. Mom's doing aerobics in the morning, but I don't want something to do in the morning. I want to sleep in the morning. That's what mornings are for. Ya know, if you've read all the way down to this point, I've just completely wasted what is probably about five minutes of your life. I've wasted a lot more of my own life. Yll, that's kinda depressing. Hopefully, you've received some form of amusement from this, because otherwise, this was a completely fruitless five minutes of your life that you'll never have back again. Whoa, sorry, pessimistic streak got in there. Mmm, thinking too much today. I try not to let the pessiimistic side of my leak out, my apologies. Haha, people think I'm only an optimist. They just can't hear my thoughts. Well, I am an optimist, but I don't think exclusively optimistically. Hmm, it's a good thing that we can't hear everything that everyone thinks. That would be bad. Or it would be if everyone had the same kind of thoughts I do. Mk, I'm done now. LE: two: I... Umm, Ian, Stacey's b/f, whom I have met twice. What do I know about him? He's extremely funny. He's good for and to Stacey. He's a nice guy. I hope God blesses him. K, kiddies, that sums it up for me. Love ya dearly!!!!
James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
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