New every morning
Hey Darling, how are ya? I'm home from the ranch for good now. Not home for good yet. Leaving for Ireland tomorrow night. ::crosses eyes:: I'm just a little bit excited! Dad promised my best-friend and me that we'd go sometime, so it's kinda a senior trip deal... one year later. ::grins:: After that it's off to the beach and then onward to school. Crazy deal. Good though, doesn't leave room for post-ranch depression. I do miss the people, but I've been so busy that I can't mope around like I did last year. I'm very grateful for that. Oooh! I was able to renew my learner's permit yesterday. Passed the test without a problem, so I'm happy. I only have to wait two weeks instead of the four months because I've held a permit before. Yay! Dunno when I'll go in for the test. Man, you know that thing about praying Scripture? I think it's to remind us of what God's already promised. About half way through the last week of camp, I was about fed up. I basically wanted to shoot the first person who came across my path no matter who they were. In that state of mind, I prayed pretty missishly and told God that He'd said he wouldn't give me any more than I could handle and that anything that happened after that point would be His doing cuz I couldn't handle it anymore. Last night I was reading somewhere in my Bible and it hit me that after that point, things had run so smoothly that I hadn't even noticed it. Sure, there were hitches here and there, but I can't remember any major break-downs after that point. I'd completely forgotten both about that prayer and the situation. Definitely thanked God right there for His faithfulness. Isn't that the way it is most days though? We cry out to Him, practically throwing His promises back in His face, and He guides us through. Most of the time, I find myself thankless though. Thankless and forgetful. I'm facing new needs now. I don't have time to look back over all that He's done for me. ::shakes head:: I'm such a petty child. I'm so blessed. How is it that I so often see only the bad? Well, I gotta run. Some friends are coming over for dinner so that we can hang out before school starts up again, then my best friend is coming over. Oh my glory! I haven't packed yet. ::smacks forehead:: I'm such an idiot. Well, at least there's still time. ::grins:: Stay safe and be good, kiddo. Seek after God and you'll find Him. All my love...
Lamentations 3:22-23
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
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