Thursday, June 03, 2004

Morning wanderings...

Yay! I figured the pictures out. Most excellent. Got the profile thing going on too. Now I need to update my website. ::crosses eyes:: Almost finished with the room. I really should be doing that instead of writing. Oh, well. ::throws guilt out of the room for a few minutes:: Grrr, the driving school number keeps being busy. I just want to set up one little appointment. My very last drive time. Ni. Everybody has birthdays in May and June it seems. Maybe it's just the people I know. I wonder if there is some chemical people give off according to their birthday that attracts similar people. Mine is end of April and most everyone I know is around May or June. Well, no, that's a lie, there are lots of other birthdays the rest of the year, but they seem most concentrated around mine. Maybe I'm just being... oh, what's the word... egocentric? Is that when everything is centered around me? Yah, that's it. Good, strong, SAT word there. Haha, riiiiight. The verbal should be a cinch, I'm just hoping to get the stupid math score up. Last year it was 110 pts behind my verbal. Yah, stinks. But I got into a math class this year over at the college (something I didn't have last year) and I've actually studied for it. It would be really nice if the math score would come up to my verbal... ::daydreams:: Man, that would be awesome. Oh well, we'll see. Ok, I'm gonna run now.
Psalm 72:18-19 ~ "Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds. Praise be to His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and amen."


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