Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Going on seventeen

This week has been pretty good so far... Oh, guys! I'm so sad, this is my last week as a sixteen year old. Sixteen has always been my ideal age and I'm about to be finished with it. You don't understand, this is forever. I will NEVER be sixteen again. I think I'm going to cry on my birthday. I mean, it's only a day, it's not like I'm magically going to be transported into another frame of mind on the 27th of April. It's just a title. So why can't I keep that title? Why do I have to advance? If I never advanced, I know I would miss out on a lot of great stuff, but it's hard to think abstractly. I know that what I've got right now is good, I have to trust that what God has for me next year is even better. I mean, this year has not been perfect by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it probably holds the lowest points in my life. But it also had a lot of blessings I wouldn't have missed for anything. I guess that's how life always is. ::shrugs:: Enough of that. I've got another Psych test tomorrow. Bleah. Did well on the first, stunk on the second, hoping to even things out now. Too bad I don't feel like studying. Man, the semester has gone really fast. Wow, I'm so proud of my little brother! He's practicing for the Spring musical (this is his first lead part!) and he's gonna be so good! Well, I have to go practice so that I can get to be as good as he's gonna be. Tata!